Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey

Lighting the Path

Lighting the Path

I’ve been contemplating Psalms 119:105 the past few days.  In it, the psalmist writes:  “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”

So, God’s word does two things for us according to this verse.  First, it is a lamp to our feet. 

The other morning, it was dark and I was still half asleep.  I tripped over something that had been left in the floor because I just didn’t see it.  If I had turned on a light, I would have seen it and avoided the stumble.  So we’re told in Psalms that God’s word does this for us—it keeps us from tripping over unanticipated events.  If we are in God’s word, we are better prepared for life’s unexpected challenges.  We don’t just handle the unexpected trouble with grace—we are able to avoid it.  For example, if someone says something unexpectedly mean—if we are in God’s word, we are able to react with consideration for the person who said it rather than just striking back. 

Second, God’s word is a light for our path.

Being in God’s word gives us direction.  We’re not wandering aimlessly; we know where we need to go and what we need to do.  It gives us spiritual goals and focuses us on what we need to do to get there.  It lights our way in a spiritual sense.  By consistently making decisions that coincide with our spiritual goals, we’re able to achieve progress we wouldn’t be able to make otherwise.  For example, if our goal is to be a better neighbor, God’s word helps us to intentionally take consistent actions to do things that serve those around us.  Over time, by following this lighted path, we become better neighbors.

So, God’s word keeps us from stumbling, and gives us direction.   Those are excellent reasons to spend more time in God’s word, don’t you think?

Rich Meyer