Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey

Taking Some Time

Taking Some Time

Starting last week, I challenged myself to focus on reading an entire book of the Bible in one sitting.  Not necessarily each day but being intentional about finding time to devout to that goal.  Pacing myself, I have started with some of the shorter books of the Bible.  I will let you know how I do when I go for the book of Psalms! 

This past Monday I read 1st and 2nd Peter.  It has been a little while since I read these two books, and I was drawn to the theme in 1st Peter concerning on our need to focus living Godly lives and being a good example to the world around us.  Another theme that got my attention was found in the first chapter of 1st Peter.  Speaking of our salvation through the precious blood of Christ, Peter writes in verses 22 and 23, “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.  For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.

In this world of sin and decay, God’s word shows us how to live and here tells us that our love for each other is vitally important while we walk this journey together.  I hope this week you are able to take some time and find comfort and inspiration in the word of God, as well as get the chance to spend time together as members of the Lord’s Church. 


In Christian Love,
