Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey

Finding Your Place

Finding Your Place

Do you ever feel like you’re not doing enough with the church? Or maybe, you’re just not satisfied with what you are doing? It can be hard to figure out how to apply your interests and abilities to further the work of the church. Especially when you’re a new Christian, new to a church family, or even just unsure of yourself. There are so many things that need to be done to spread the Gospel, both inside the church and outside in the world.

There are higher profile jobs like ministers, elders, and deacons that the Bible describes the who and how these roles are to be maintained. There are also behind-the-scenes roles that are just as important that are not explicitly discussed in the Bible. Although while doing these jobs you may not see yourself as high-profile as you might like to be, they are still needed to care for the family at large which furthers God’s work.

Paul explains to the church in 1 Corinthians 12 that the body (the church) is one body made up of many parts (roles). He explains that there are “different gifts, but the same Spirit… different kinds of service, but one Lord… different kinds of works, but one God who works in everyone” (verses 4-6). Each of us has different talents given through the Holy Sprit and different interests gained throughout our lifetime.

It is important to learn what gifts you have and how you can use them to work with your interests. Some of us might be better at communicating the Gospel to strangers, while others are more suited to the care and maintenance of the building and grounds. One person might be moved to visit shut-ins, while another might be a great teacher to various ages at the church. All of these tasks are vital to he health of the church, the spreading of God’s word, and our own spiritual maturity

As you journey through your daily walk, ask yourself “is there anything more I could do for God or my church family?” If you don’t know where you can help, just ask… and ask, and ask until you find where and how you can further God’s kingdom. We must also be mindful of why we are gravitating toward or away from certain jobs within the church. Make sure you are working for God and His glory instead of seeking accolades for yourself.

James Passmore