Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey



There has been a debate throughout the years about leaders – are they born or are they made? The Bible has many examples of where leaders are made: Joseph was sold into slavery then became Pharaoh’s primary advisor, Moses was in a self-imposed exile when God chose him to lead Israel out of Egypt, David was a scrawny kid with a slingshot who became king of the Israelites during their most prosperous period, the Apostles were regular Joes who Jesus recruited and taught then went on to spread the Gospel and start His church, Paul experienced a complete 180 degree turnaround in his life where he went from persecuting Christians to being a prominent voice in the New Testament, even a widowed woman in a foreign land (arguably a position of minimal value at the time) was empowered by God to save the Israelites. Each of these people had doubts and / or were doubted by others, however when they opened themselves to God’s will, they were able to do great things.

Today, leaders are just regular people, too. Some learn to be leaders through education and / or experience while others just seem to have that ability in them. And leaders come in all varieties; some like to be out in front while others quietly lead by example. There’s no one-size-fits-all way to be a leader and all of us can be a leader at different times and circumstances. And just because you are a leader in one area does not mean you have to be a leader in other areas. God made us all unique and gave us different skills and strengths so we can do different tasks. I know it can be a little intimidating to take on that pressure, but if you talk to and trust in God to find your opportunities to be a leader and He will open doors for you and see you through those times.

James Passmore