Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey

Write Your Story

“Author of my hope

Maker of the stars

Let me be your work of art

Won’t You write Your story on my heart” – from “Write Your Story” by Francesca Battistelli

I have enjoyed a good story for as long as I can remember. My parents would read stories to my brother and me until we were old enough to read on our own. And from that point on I have always loved to read. When I open up the pages of a book, it is like I have a glimpse into another world, and I find myself unable to put the book down because I need to know what happens next. In fact, one of my favorite games is all about a group of people coming together to create their own story together.

We are all a part of God’s story. And there are times when we all want to know what is coming next. And we want to be in control of the things that are coming up in the story. We worry and stress about plans for the coming days, weeks, and even years. Some of us are more extreme planners than others, but we would all like to feel like we had some control in our own stories.

If we were honest, there are some things we would change if we were the authors of our own stories. I don’t think that any of us would want to write in any pain or suffering into our stories.  

So, how can we have faith that things will turn out okay, even though we don’t know what is coming next?

Because we believe in an author who is better than any other! We can see the proof all throughout the Bible. We can see stories of amazing plot twists, courageous victories, and stories of redemption and salvation.

We don’t know everything that is going to happen in our lives. The trials that we will face and the failures that we will endure. But we know that everything will be okay in the end, because we will be with God, as we were always meant to be.

The God who spoke the world into existence is the Author of our salvation, the One who sent His Son into the world to save us. I hope that we would all be encouraged to open ourselves up to God as He writes His story on our hearts.

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.”  Proverbs 16:9

