Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey


 Over the last few hundred years there’s been an increasing implication that people’s religious beliefs and convictions should take a backseat to their dealings in the real world. With an increased appreciation for empirical data and tangible metrics, societies are expected to operate based on what they can commonly see and know, not by things of faith. And by-and-large, faith has taken a backseat. In America today we view our Christian faith as something private we believe in which we need not bother other people with. We can see this in language like “My personal savior Jesus Christ.” What Christianity teaches is that Jesus is the savior of the world! Relegating him to an individualized, personal savior devalues the wider gospel.

We need a revival of people who take their faith seriously enough that they let it have the wheel of their life instead of tossing it in the backseat. Our faith should help us interpret all aspects of the world around us and thus how we respond to them. Now, a life fully lived through the lens of Christ is going to look much different than any other. There’s a reason Jesus and his followers were persecuted. Following God fully leads to a radical life. Radical in love, trust, hope, and service. It won’t be easy. It’s much more convenient to keep Jesus in the garage as a hobby; but that’s not what he was ever meant to be.

