Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey

Steady and Predictable

Steady and predictable

I've been commuting long enough now to know that it's the safest thing I can do to get there and back in one piece. I get in the middle travel lane, and set my cruise control to match the flow of traffic. People are free to pass me in the faster left lane, and they can easily get on and off from the slower right lane.

There will always be those speed demons who think that pretending that the interstate is a NASCAR track will somehow get them there faster, but most people actually know the truth. We'll all get there at about the same rate.

Which brings me to my observation from this week. People are usually okay with driving at the typical speed of everyone else, “As Long As I'm In Front Of You!” One driver in particular stood out as dragging their feet in front of me when we should have been accelerating from the on ramp to merge smoothly into the morning traffic. Once I found an opening to get out from behind them I moved into my usual middle lane. They suddenly zoomed ahead as if they had just finished texting with someone and woke up to the fact they were already on the interstate. Once they got up to cruising speed they settled into the exact same speed as me and everyone else.

Not long after that they suddenly moved over uncomfortably close in front of me to avoid a fresh slug of incoming traffic. Of course it was incumbent on me to break cruise to give them space. And then we were all back to going the same speed again. At the end of our trip to work they got there first, and I got there safe.

I pray that as Christians we present a steady and predictable example of making our dash through life without needing to always place ourselves at the front of the line because we know that we're going to get there safe, when others may not.
