Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey

The Fine Tuner

The Fine Tuner

Finely tuned things require a fine tuner don’t they? I don’t look at the intricate gears within my watch and assume they came to be out of natural happenstance – anyone would know that something that complex would need a higher intelligence and power behind it. And as detailed and elaborate as our devices may be, nothing is quite as complex as the natural world! From the systems in our brains to the absolute perfect measurements for life and wonder in our galaxy, the very cosmos we live in is best described as a beautiful design. Even the staunchest atheists admit that the universe is made up of thousands of perfect coincidences. We just choose to believe they’re not happenstance. “I don’t have enough faith to believe in that many coincidences” a wise man once said. Instead, we trust that there must be a fine tuner behind this finely tuned world. And better yet, we believe He loves you and cares about you more than you could ever imagine! Let that truth bless you today.
