Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey

A Reminder from Faizydaizy

A Reminder from Faizydaizy

Every now and again, I received emails from a widow who we know from our former Indiana congregation.  It was usually something she found on the internet that she was sending along to a large group.  I often didn’t feel compelled to respond, but I appreciated them.  Her name was Faye, but she always signed her emails Faizydaizy.

Last Tuesday, Faye sent me an email by mistake, and immediately sent a personal email to apologize.  In that email, she asked for a picture of my family.  I promptly replied to that one and sent her a picture of my family at a recent graduation.  She was thrilled with the picture, and in return sent me photographs of her and her late husband.  I heard later through the grapevine that she had sent the picture on to some of the other church members.  I was glad that I took the time to respond and brighten her day a little bit.

Thursday morning, I got an email from the church saying that Faye had passed away in her sleep that morning.  We were surprised as she had no big health issues.  But we were happy for Faye—she had gone where she always wanted to be.

It was just a coincidence that Faye had inadvertently emailed me earlier last week.  I was so glad she did, and I was so happy I responded and passed along a picture.  Life is short and as Faye reminded me, you just never know if you’re going to get another chance to be kind to someone.  It was a reminder to me that I need to be kind when the chance arises, and to brighten people’s day when I can. 

Faye’s last email to me:

Oh!  My goodness! How beautiful and what a nice family photo.  Thank you so much for sharing.  I am so glad you are children of the Most High God, & me too!!


Faye, I’m glad we’re children of the Most High God too.  Thank you for the reminder.
