Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey

Not Enough Fairh

Not Enough Faith

My wife teaches at a Christian school.  The other day, one of their teachers posted a story on social media about one of their brighter students.  Through his four years in high school, his intellectual curiosity took him down a path that led him to atheism.  That’s not really the result you want from a Christian school.  Fortunately, a year or two passed and the student continued searching.  He came to realize that it took more faith to believe in nothing than it did in God.  He ended up coming back to the school and sharing his journey as an inspiration to the rest of the school.

It reminds me of a book that my kids read in school called “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist”. The upshot is that you have to suspend more credibility to believe that everything accidentally came from nothing than to believe there is a creator. 

God gives us  proof of His existence.  John 17:3 and 1 John 5:20 gives us one proof—Jesus’ life and teachings.  The glory and beauty of nature declares there is a God—Psalms 19:1, Acts 14:17, Romans 1:20. And there is so much more.

This short devotional is not intended to be a thorough review of the proof of God.  Rather, it is to remind us that our faith has a firm foundation.  And certainly, there is absolutely an element of trust in faith.  Hebrews 11:1 tells us “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”.  But that trust is placed in a God who proves to us He loves us through His son and His creation.
