Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey

Choose Your Hard

Choose Your Hard

I’ve seen a bit of “internet wisdom” floating around that—contrary to most such wisdom—made sense to me.  I’ve tried to find who authored it, but variations of it are credited to different people so I can’t say for sure where it originated. 

An excerpt of one version follows:

Marriage is hard.  Divorce is hard.  Choose your hard.

Being deep in debt is hard.  Being disciplined financially is hard.  Choose your hard.

Being out of shape is hard.  Staying fit is hard.  Choose your hard.

Communicating is hard.  Not communicating is hard.  Choose your hard.

Life will never be easy.  It will always be hard.  But we can choose our hard.  Choose wisely.

There are many other stanzas to this theme out there, but I’d like to add a few more for your consideration:

Following God’s direction is hard.  Disobeying God is hard.  Choose your hard.

Being part of a Christian family is hard.  Being separate from a Christian family is hard.  Choose your hard.

Facing your sin is hard.  Continuing in sin is hard.  Choose your hard.

Seeking help is hard.  Suffering in silence is hard.  Choose your hard.

Change is hard.  Remaining the same is hard.  Choose your hard.

We all know life is difficult and has been since the Garden.  But we also know that following Christ is rewarding in this life as well as the next.  It’s really not a hard choice when you think about it.  Choose wisely.

John 16:33  “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation.  But take heart, I have overcome the world.”

