Your Spiritual Journey
Casual Christian
Have you ever heard someone referred to as a “casual Christian”? If not, this phrase does not refer to how someone is dressed. Rather, this moniker often describes the perceived participation level in church activities. This descriptor can be quite damaging to an individual and even the church. Instead of encouraging attendance, it sometimes discourages future participation by creating feelings of shame or guilt. This can lead to a level of uncomfortableness when a so-called “casual Christian” is present, possibly resulting in a personal dispute or even a separation from the church – or worse yet, from God.
We know that being at church has many advantages including encouragement to continue following God, fellowshipping with old and new friends, being part of a community of like-minded believers, the opportunity to feel God’s presence and pleasing Him by singing praises and worshipping Him. Not to mention the love God feels from us.
We also know that sometimes, we have real reasons for not being at church; health issues, work schedules, and other life events that are beyond our control. Besides that, every individual’s Christian walk is between that individual and Jesus. We don’t know what is in a person’s heart; only God knows that and only He will judge who is worthy to join in heaven.
Don’t be like the Pharisees who judged people according to “the rules”. God has shown us immeasurable grace in so many ways. Let’s extend that same grace to our fellow humans who are doing the best they can in their own life.
James Passmore