Your Spiritual Journey
Fearless Love
Fearless Love
Last Sunday, I read a passage from John’s Gospel about Mary Magdalene discovering the empty tomb. As we know from the other accounts, it was actually a group of women that went to Jesus’ tomb to prepare His body for burial; Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, Joanna, and Salome are all mentioned. While ancient Jews did not practice embalming, they would traditionally wash the corpse, apply aromatic spices, and wrap the body in a linen sheet. The weight of the spices would have been great, and the women must have had a heavy burden that morning.
The disciples were in hiding; alone, fearful, and heartbroken. The shepherd had been struck, and the sheep scattered. The man that they’d been following had been publicly executed by the government, and they now feared for their own lives. Peter’s denial is a product of that real and visceral fear. The Romans only cared about peace, and they didn’t care who they had to kill to maintain it. Pilate and his soldiers had little concern for them. A crowd of Jews shouting “Crucify him!” just a few days earlier, so there was no safety even among their own people.
What strikes me is the bravery of these women who went to Jesus’ tomb immediately after the Sabbath. They had supported his ministry in life, and desired to serve him one last time. What were their thoughts as they neared the tomb? Would they be ridiculed and beaten by the guards? Would they be arrested and executed as well? At the very least, would they be denied entrance to the tomb? It’s obvious from the narratives that, regardless of what Jesus had said to them earlier, they saw him die and they expected to anoint his lifeless body. They were putting themselves in danger for a man they loved, and who had loved them.
While I know there are several lessons here, (When Jesus tells you something, believe it! Live by faith, not by sight! God will overcome your fears!), my mind keeps going to this small group of loving women that made their way through the darkness, in hopes of performing one last act of kindness for a friend…and met a risen Savior.
“Women” he said, “why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?”