Your Spiritual Journey

Your Spiritual Journey


On September 8, 2020, right smack-dab in the middle of the worst global health crisis known as Covid, I had a major medical event – I had a stroke. My family watched in horrified disbelief as I blacked out. This event had no warning signs, and I was a relatively healthy middle-aged man. After my 5-day stay at the resort known as Kettering Hospital, I began the long road to recovery. I had nurses and therapists in and out of our house seemingly daily for weeks. Then, I was able to start a more robust rehabilitation outside the home. During this months-long process, I put on a brave face and tried to convince my family and friends that I would be back to 100% like nothing ever happened.

After I completed rehab, I went back to work and soon realized that I would not be able to do the same job as before due to some cognitive decline, mental stamina, and other fall-out issues. This was harder to handle than the actual stroke and I slipped further and further into depression. I had lost what I thought was a dream job, but I was able to find a job with the same company with lesser responsibilities. I wondered “why?”.

However, soon after that, I lost my dog Lucky who had been my walking buddy for years. I was devastated! I started to think about all the things I’d lost due to that day – my job, mental and physical abilities, and now my best furry friend… depression worsened as I struggled to come to grips with that awful year and a half.

Throughout the Bible, we read stories of how individuals and groups suffered various calamities. From Adam and Eve in the Garden to the Israelites being conquered by foreign kings to the healing of cripples and leppers to Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross and even Paul in prison. These stories remind us that perseverance is one of the key tenants of being a child of God. James 1:2-4 tells us that we will face challenges of many kinds and that our faith will strengthen our perseverance.

Are you burdened by trials and challenges? Lean on your faith to work on your perseverance.


James Passmore